Adam: Niagara Falls 16x20"
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This class was really my first experience with oil painting. It took afew sessions to get used to, but I enjoyed it. I feel my best workcomes when I stay disconnected emotionally from the actual work, as mybrush strokes are free and I'm able to take risks and not worry about'ruining' the piece. If I approach the painting with an almostdisdain, I'm able to keep the strokes more honest. If I'm too close tothe piece I tend to baby it, mistakes become disasters, and fixing themistake becomes an even bigger mistake. Waking up for an 8:00am studiosession definitely helps me disconnect from the painting, as Iinvariably wake up grumpy. Overall I was pleased with my progress as apainter, and plan to continue to develop my work.
This class was really my first experience with oil painting. It took afew sessions to get used to, but I enjoyed it. I feel my best workcomes when I stay disconnected emotionally from the actual work, as mybrush strokes are free and I'm able to take risks and not worry about'ruining' the piece. If I approach the painting with an almostdisdain, I'm able to keep the strokes more honest. If I'm too close tothe piece I tend to baby it, mistakes become disasters, and fixing themistake becomes an even bigger mistake. Waking up for an 8:00am studiosession definitely helps me disconnect from the painting, as Iinvariably wake up grumpy. Overall I was pleased with my progress as apainter, and plan to continue to develop my work.
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